Friday, January 24, 2025

Understanding "The Why" in Boxing and Why "The Why?"

In the last 20 years, a much larger demographic of people have taken up boxing training. It used to be
pretty limited to folks who wanted to box in the ring competitively but that has changed a lot and many do it nowadays primarily for training. Some because they really wanted to learn the sport but plenty of others who were just looking for a new way to exercise, burn calories, tone up, get some stress out, have more fun with their workout, look cool, etc.

As I have said thousands of times, no matter what the reason or combination of reasons, learning proper boxing form is critical because it helps with everything: better workout, burns more calories, tones you up more, gets more stress out because you are hitting hard with more efficiency, is more fun because you feel good about yourself getting better at something and of course you look cooler the better you box!

Besides just proper form, there is a more to understanding boxing. The biggest thing is what I kind of lump into one big category called "The Why." Why do we do the things that we do in boxing? What is the point of it all? Starting from there can give you the best path forward to understanding The How and The What.

There are many layers to this and it starts with the most basic - why do we throw punches? It's not just an exercise, even if you do it for just exercise. We generally throw punches in boxing to hurt our opponent (or set them up for a punch that does hurt them). We want to hurt our opponent because they are going to hurt us if we don't. When you start looking at punches like that on the heavy bag, it can change everything. Good form will inherently give you more power but attitude and understanding will help a lot too. Throw punches with bad intentions. You want to break somebody's face, break their ribs, break their spirit. Yes, I know that's very violent and you may be a nice person but you can still think of your punches in this mean, violent way. 

If you are just tapping the bag and moving your arms, that's not really going to benefit you very much. Another thing I say all the time is that I would much rather people threw fewer better, harder, more explosive punches than just non-stop lackluster punches. Throwing non-stop lackluster punches is like jogging - steady state cardio. But that's not what boxing is. It is a series of quick, anaerobic explosions like mini-sprints. I guarantee you the workout will go through the roof once you start approaching things like this.

Even beyond the punches, imagine your boxing workout is a real fight. If you were standing in a ring with someone who wants to hurt you, you wouldn't break posture or be flat footed with your hands down. You probably wouldn't just stand there either after you were done punching because very likely, that opponent was going to punch you back! So you would be moving around because you don't want to get hit. You might be tired but it's better to be tired than take punches (mostly). If you dodge a punch, it can't be lazy and slow or you wouldn't be able to dodge it. Again, understand The Why. When we do something like roll, you are ducking down under a fast punch that is trying to take your head off. So duck down fast! And if you are quick enough to dodge it, don't waste any time in countering or countering with a weak punch of your own. Someone just tried to take your head off! You don't want that happening again. So go get 'em! Once again, with this approach, everything you do during your boxing workout gets better.

You can take this much deeper too. Understanding The Why behind combinations and strategy can make a much bigger difference than you might think. When you throw something like a basic jab-cross-hook, what exactly are you doing? Where are you striking exactly and how might someone react? What if they bring their gloves together to block the jab and cross but you sneak the hook around their guard and hit them right in the jaw? Think of it that way and it will change the way you punch. What I see sometimes is people throwing punches as if it were just a random sequence of movements they have to memorize. It's like dancing but just doing the steps without ever feeling the music or getting the spirit of the dance. Or better yet, maybe more like acting. You don't just want to memorize lines. You want to become the character, understand what they are feeling and why they are feeling that way.

I know the punch sequences can be difficult to remember but understanding The Why may actually help you here too. Like, why are we throwing 2 punches to the head and one to the body? How are we setting someone up? Oftentimes, we explain this during class but you might tune out if you think that understanding The Why isn't important. When these punches take on more meaning and have a certain logic to them, they become much easier to remember.

So how do you better understand The Why? Well for one, as I just mentioned, listen when we talk about it during classes and/or ask us questions about anything any time! Also, during class, visualize the heavy bag as a real opponent. Think about where your punches are landing and always imagine punches coming back. You can always take a deeper dive into boxing online too. Besides our wonderful youtube channel filled with focus points of the week and midweek musings - - there are plenty of other good resources out there who do in depth fight breakdowns like The Modern Martial Artist.

And always remember, no matter what your reason for boxing training is, whether you give a damn about the sport or not, understanding The Why will help every aspect of your training. The more you know, the better everything gets, even in ways you may not be able to imagine.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

What a Great/Interesting/Crazy year!! The Boxing 2024 Review

Even though the golden age of boxing has long since past, 2024 will go down in history as one of the more interesting years in recent history. Good things, bad things, controversial things and all of it very memorable. And I can't remember when the last time that was true about any year in boxing. It's definitely been a long time since so many people from different demographics have even talked about the sport. So that's a pretty positive thing, even if not all the things people were saying were particularly positive. In any case, here were some of the highlights:


It was technically still 2023, on December 26th, I woke up early in the morning to watch Naoya "The Monster" Inoue become the first ever undisputed super bantamweight champion and the second person ever to hold all 4 belts in 2 weight classes. He also won by knockout, bringing his KO rate to 90.4% in world title matches, which is the highest in history.

He would fight Luis Nery for his first super bantamweight title defense in May and was knocked down for the first time ever in his professional career. He got right up and proceeded to dismantle Nery- knocking him down twice and then knocking him out with a beautiful uppercut in the 6th round, increasing his historical KO percentage and showing that he can come back from adversity.

In September, there was another title defense against TJ Doheny, who was dropped with a body shot in Round 7. There was supposed to be another fight on December 24th against mandatory challenger, Sam Goodman, but it had to be postponed until January because Goodman cut his eye in sparring.

Inoue is, in my mind, the best pound-for-pound fighter in 2023 and again in 2024. No one in his weight divisions even comes close. He is the best combination puncher I have ever seen, he wins all of his fights by knockout, and he fights every few months. He doesn't talk smack, there is no drama with him, but he is super fun to watch in the ring. This is a once-in-a-generation type of talent here. The only reason he is not an international superstar is that he only fights in Japan and at the lighter weight classes. He could probably move up to featherweight and dominate there but there aren't any big names in that weight class currently to really elevate his status. The only way to cement his legacy as one of the greatest boxers of all time, would probably be to move past featherweight, to lightweight, and challenge some of the big names there (of which there are plenty, right now). That is a big jump in weight percentage and I can't really see him doing that in the near future. He's 5'5 with a relatively small frame. Nonetheless, he is the best in my view and have loved watching his multiple championship run.


Ryan Garcia is boxing's ultimate hot mess. Drama in and out of the ring, obvious mental health issues, amazing physical talent, total lack of discipline. Devin Haney is the opposite. Steady, stable, maybe not that exciting but he just wins. Consistency vs. Chaos, Discipline vs. Disorder, but alas, it looked like this fight may never happen. Months before it was supposed to go down, Garcia started posting a lot of strange things on his social media accounts, including that he was kidnapped and taken to a secret camp of the Illuminati where he was forced to see terrible things- aand n alien. Devin Haney accused him of just acting crazy to either sell more tickets to the fight or potentially get out of it entirely. Ryan showed up to the weigh-in 4 pounds over weight and drinking a beer. The missed weight meant the fight could not be for a title, but nonetheless, it went down on April 20th.

Haney was the undisputed lightweight champ and moved up to super lightweight and won another belt. Ryan Garcia was erratic and wild but also deadly with incredible speed and power. I thought Haney would make the fight boring, like he usually does, not taking any chances and keeping control. But it ended up being a lot of fun and one of the most exciting fights of the year. Garcia rocked Haney early and it looked like we could have a first round knockout. But Haney recovered and started to control things. Then Garcia got him again in Round 7 (which was one of the more chaotic rounds I have ever seen) knocking Haney down for the first time in his career and then seemingly knocking him down 2 more times though the referee called them slips. The ref also took away a point from Garcia for punching on the breakup, which is strange to do without warning. Garcia inexplicably started doing a bad shoulder roll defense and turned his back to Haney over and over again. It wasn't smart but it also didn't seem to matter as Garcia would continue to seize moment and went on to knock Haney down 2 more times, going on to win a majority decision.

Everyone was immediately excited for the rematch and both fighters said there would be one. Except then Garcia would test positive for a banned substance, ostarine, and was stripped of the victory and Haney would sue Garcia for fraud and battery (can't remember a boxer ever suing their opponent for battery). Garcia was thereafter expelled from the WBA for some racial slurs he made in a live social media broadcast, and he was later arrested for felony vandalism at a Beverly Hills hotel, earning him a 1-year suspension. People had initially said that Garcia was a crazy like a fox for all of his antics before the fight and coming in overweight, like it was a way to psych out Haney, but it seems like he was just plain crazy. Devin Haney has said that he is not interested in a rematch right now for those reasons but nothing would really surprise me at this point.


The fight of the year in my opinion. First, the stakes couldn't be much higher. For the first time in 25 years, we would have an undisputed heavyweight champion (provided it wasn't a draw) and a matchup for the ages. Tyson Fury is a giant, standing 6'9 and walking around at about 280 pounds with an even bigger personality. Olexandr Usyk is not even a real heavyweight. He was the cruiserweight champ who moved up to the heavyweight division and runs about 6'3 220. Neither man had ever lost a fight. Usyk had never even been knocked down whereas Fury had gone down 8 times but always got up and managed to win. Both are highly skilled, especially for heavyweights, and while I don't remember what the betting odds were, I don't think anyone had a real good idea as to what would actually happen when these two squared off in the ring.

From the opening bell, it kind of felt like something you would see in a movie. Tyson Fury tried to stay on the outside and use his jab but Usyk used his speed and skill to get inside and land some good shots while Fury got right into showboating. A couple rounds in, it looked like Fury might have figured out his distance and his timing, keeping Usyk away and landing some big shots of his own. At this point, I thought there was no way that Usyk could win the fight. Boxing is very much a rhythm sport. Once somebody starts to get the timing down and momentum on their side, it can be hard to change unless you've got a big punch that can change everything on a dime, which Usyk did not seem to have. And when you combine Fury's height and reach advantage, it just seemed like too big of a mountain to climb.

By Round 6, it looked like Fury had Usyk hurt and might actually finish the fight. But then Usyk started to change his strategy. Instead of moving his head to try and get in range to throw punches, he stood more still and waited for Fury to strike first, moving and countering. After getting in some good counterpunches, Usyk got aggressive again and started to pressure Fury. Then in Round 9, Usyk finally did something a lot of people didn't think he could do and hurt Tyson Fury with a big overhand. He started to tee off and Tyson Fury stumbled around the ring, bouncing off the ropes like no one I have ever seen before. I think if you saw this scene in a movie, you might even think it looked fake. Fury ended up being saved by the bell and making it to Round 10.

For a lot of boxers, the fight would have been pretty much over after that but Fury's regenerative powers are amazing and seemed like he was able to clear his head and while he didn't win the next couple of rounds, he survived and got himself back into the fight. The decision went to Usyk and it seemed like a pretty obvious one but in the post-fight interview, Fury was very vocal in his disagreement. The fight was booked with an instant rematch clause so we knew we'd get to see Part 2, hopefully later this year!


Last year's Olympic boxing matches were pretty much what we have come to expect - boring fights, weird judging, unimpressive victories, domination by the former Soviet territories, dwindling participating from the USA (probably our worst showing ever), and a general lack of dynamic personality. Despite all that though, a major story emerged out of the Paris games in 2024. Two boxers competing in the female division - Imane Khelif and Li Yu-ting - had both been previously disqualified from the International Boxing Association (IBA) world championships for failing gender eligibility standards. Both went on to win gold medals in Paris but many people were outraged, feeling like it was unfair for these athletes to compete against women when they had previously been disqualified for not being “women” according to the IBA's standards. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and plenty of others disagreed with the IBA and this story became a lightning rod of controversy.

Both fighters have competed in female divisions previously and trying to get the details on exactly why the IBA banned them is difficult. They claimed that the athletes had XY chromosomes based on a DNA test, as well as elevated levels of testosterone. These tests and the IBA's integrity have been called into question, however. There was also plenty of misinformation out there claiming that these athletes were transgender, which is seemingly not the case and again, both have competed as women for many years. At the same time, there is biological information about these fighters that is not being broadcast or is being dismissed without a lot of discussion. 

I myself don't know enough about these athletes nor do I trust many of the media reports, but I will say this - if boxing wants to try and figure this out, they will need to evaluate each athlete objectively and scientifically without political influence from any side. And they need to be very transparent about the results, regardless of how it will be scrutinized. Otherwise, it may be hard to convince some female boxers to compete or take fights with someone like Imane Khelif, with controversy like this swirling around. This issue has popped up in other sports but boxing is unique, at least on a professional level, as athletes are directly and expressly putting themselves in harm's way every time they step in the ring. The potential for serious harm to fighters based on even slight physical variations is why there are so many different weight classes, some of them separated by only a few pounds.


Old curmudgeons like me have been lamenting how professional boxing has lost its way and is broken for so many reasons, hoping that someone, somehow, would fix it. This year, we might have found such a savior and oddly enough, it is the Saudi Arabian advisor to the Royal Court and Chairman of the General Entertainment Authority, Turki Al-Sheikh. As part of a huge, long-term project to bring tourism to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as diversify it culturally and economically, Turki - in partnership with DAZN promotions - has spent a lot of money to try and make the biggest fights in boxing actually happen. This started in 2023 with Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou but it has really taken hold this year. We were able to get Fury vs. Usyk twice, Beterbiev vs Bivol, Anthony Joshua vs. Ngannou, and some fun events like the Queensberry vs. Matchroom, 5 vs. 5 bouts. I don't think all of that would have happened without Turki Al-Sheik. 

What's crazy is that he also has brought down the price of pay-per-view on DAZN. I didn't think anyone would ever do that. He complained that he thought it was too expensive, so prices dropped- even for the biggest fights. Fury-Usyk II, a hugely anticipated rematch for the undisputed heavyweight title, cost me $39.99. By contrast, in 1988, I think me and the other kids pooled our money together to pay for the Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks fight and paid about 50 bucks! Again, that was in 1988!

Maybe even better for me is that the fights take place in Saudi Arabia so they start in the early afternoon on Saturdays in my Eastern time zone, with the main event going on at about 7 or 8pm. This is compared to fights that happen in the US, where the main event usually doesn't go on until after midnight. For an older person/curmudgeon like myself, this is awesome! It means I am wide awake for the main event instead of fighting just to keep my eyes open.

Boxing still faces many challenges to ever get back to being even close to what it once was but Turki Al-Sheikh has done more to help the sport than any one person in recent memory.


This was a fight boxing fans really wanted but no one seemed to be seriously trying to make happen until the aforementioned Turki Al-Sheikh stepped in and finally locked it down. Besides being two great champions at 175 pounds, it was another interesting matchup. Artur Beterbiev has the power of a heavyweight and wins all of his fights by knockout whereas Dmitry Bivol is one of the better defensive fighters out there- boxing in that old Soviet style off of his back foot. We had seen Bivol completely stymie Canelo Alvarez using his high guard to block every punch Canelo threw, but Beterbiev was a much a bigger man with more power and it no one really knew if Bivol could withstand it. The winner would be the first ever undisputed champion of the light heavyweight division, the first ever in the 4-belt era.

The fight itself wasn't quite as exciting as I would have hoped but the quality of fighting certainly was top notch. It was closely contested the whole way. There were multiple momentum shifts and one point where Bivol might have been hurt but he came storming back after that. In the end of, Beterbiev got the decision victory. Plenty of people thought Bivol won but that is always how it's going to be in such a close fight. I don't know if I would have scored it for Beterbiev myself but emotionally, I felt like he won because he was the only one that could have ended that fight at any point. In any case, a rematch will be coming early this year and I look forward to it. Once again, I don't know if anyone can reasonably predict the outcome other than, also again, the fighting and skill-level will be top notch.


Speaking of top notch fight....we got to see an injured, broken down, 58 year-old Mike Tyson fight a 27-year old Youtuber-turned-boxer, Jake Paul, this year! But say what you want, this was the biggest fight of 2024. By far in my opinion. Why? Because everybody knew about it. Everybody watched it. Everybody talked about it. That NEVER happens in boxing anymore. Sure, it was a terrible fight that shouldn't have happened in the first place but it captured the public's imagination in a way that we haven't seen in decades. That's not just a good thing for boxing but society in general, in my opinion. We need more things that we all have some form of collective interest in.

Going in, I did not feel like Mike Tyson stood much of a chance. It's not just that he is 58 years old fighting an athletic young man in peak physical condition, it's that he has a lot of extra mileage on him.  I had purchased an instructional video with Mike (talking about his peek-a-boo style) about a couple years ago and even in the video, despite the fact that Mike could still move pretty great, he clearly couldn't do it for much more than an extremely short period of time and even shot a lot of the video sitting down. He suffers from sciatica and a bad back and at his age, these aren't things that are going to get much better. Then in July, when the fight was originally scheduled, Mike had an ulcer that was so bad, he apparently almost died and had multiple blood transfusions and lost about 25 pounds in the hospital. After his recovery, he had a few months to train back up again, but you have to imagine this had a significant effect. People were wowed by some of the training clips they saw of Mike but again, these were very short and some of them were not at all recent.

Jake Paul is, of course, a YouTube star (though I still don't totally understand why or how), who has made a new career out of highly-publicized boxing fights with non-boxers. The fights have generally been exciting though and Jake Paul is no joke. Can he make any kind of a run in the professional boxing circuit? Probably not but he is athletic, has decent technical skills, and seems to take his training very, very seriously. He does a great job marketing himself as a disrupter heel and I think everybody wanted to see old Mike Tyson knock him out on international TV.

Either way, we all had to find out what was going to happen. Would Mike defeat this snot-nosed punk AND Father Time? Would Jake Paul actually knock out a living legend? Would the fight even be real? When I first heard about it and realized it wasn't a joke, I had a hard time believing it would be a legitimate fight . There is plenty of speculation that some of Jake Paul's earlier fights were scripted and people were paid to take a dive, but nothing concrete in my opinion. I didn't know how a real fight between the two could even be sanctioned.

As soon as I saw Mike walk into the arena and later walking into the ring, I knew that if the fight was real, he didn't stand much of a chance. He could barely walk at all. Or maybe it was all part of the ruse? Round 1 kicked off and for about a minute or two, it looked like the fight could be kind of interesting. Mike got off a few punches and you could see he still had a little bit of speed and power left. The only significant strike he landed was a jab but it did knock Jake back and I started to think, "hey, maybe he can do this." But in Round 2 it was all over. Mike ran out of gas and could not really move. Jake could just potshot and then run away, with Mike powerless to catch him. The 8 rounds ended with a whimper, with none of them coming anywhere close to matching the first round. Or anything interesting at all.

Plenty of people still thought the fight was fixed because Mike started biting down on his gloves routinely and saw what they assumed was Mike pulling his punches. But it's very hard to tell whether someone pulls their punch because they don't want to hit the other person or because they don't think they will be able to land it and don't want to miss. If it was fake, it wasn't a very good fake. I would think they would want to make it more interested and certainly make Mike Tyson look better. But whether it was or it wasn't, it did illustrate something I tell people all the time about boxing. Footwork is the most important thing in the sport. If you can't catch somebody, it's gonna be hard to hit them with anything solid, no matter how good of a puncher you are. And it will make them much easier to hit you with superior footwork.

But anyway, while the fight sucked, the event itself was kind of a great thing and hopefully someway, somehow, boxing can matter again to general audiences.


One of the big reasons that the Tyson-Paul event was worth watching was the great rematch between Katie Taylor and Amanda Serrano. Outside of Clarissa Shields, they are the two best female boxers and are the faces of their sport. The first fight between them, back in 2022 was an instant classic. Serrano looked like she almost had Katie finished but she came back and managed to eke out a very close decision. I personally thought Serrano won but judging of course is the big bugaboo of boxing (more on that later). 

The rematch was highly anticipated and both ladies did not disappoint! Once again, Amanda had Katie in trouble early, big trouble, and it looked like she might win by KO. But also again, Katie fought back showing tremendous hand speed. Amanda still out-landed her but Katie had some good flurries. The big turning point of the match came from a head butt that opened up a huge cut over Amanda's left eye and bled profusely. It looked like the fight was going to be stopped but they let it go on and Serrano fought until the very end. I think Katie tried to take advantage of the situation by repeatedly clinching and pushing her head into the cut to try and make it bleed more. The constant clinching is, to some degree, how Katie fights but a lot of the head contact looked intentional to me. The referee even took a point away from Katie for doing this.

The last round saw both women going for broke and just slugging it out with absolutely no defense or head movement at all. It was just a brawl. Round by round, I thought this fight was a little closer than the first one but still gave it to Amanda, especially with the point deduction. But once again, Katie Taylor won a very controversial decision which looked even worse to me because of the head-butting. Despite that, it was a great fight and I really hope they do it again. Women's boxing has come a LONG way since the days of Christy Martin and it good to see it represented by someone like Amanda Serrano in particular. And some credit goes to Jake Paul here. Nobody outside of the sport's hardcore fans even knew who she was until he started promoting her on his fight cards and I think it was universally recognized that she and Katie Taylor stole the show that night.


While I knew these two were going to eventually get back into the ring, I was a little skeptical about when it would happen. Boxing has a way of disappointing me and it's kind of rare to see a rematch of this caliber in the same year. But on December 21st, we got Fury vs. Usyk 2. Fury had complained about the decision in the last fight and got seriously hurt so I figured and hoped he would be extra motivated to try and come back and win it.

He definitely faired a little bit better, in my opinion. The fight was razor close the whole way through. Hard to score the rounds. Unlike the first fight, there were no real momentum swings and no one ever looked hurt at any point. There was a very high level of concentration from both fighters though. You could feel it. Fury wasn't going to make a big mistake and let himself get outboxed in any of the big exchanges. 

It came down to a decision and people watching seemed pretty divided. The promoters ringside though Fury won. The announcers leaned towards Usyk. The judges did too and only gave Fury 4 rounds, which didn't seem quite right but again, being so closely contested, it is very hard to score. Fury was completely disappointed and while some would like to see a third fight between these two, I would expect it would go down exactly the same way. My hope is that Fury fights Anthony Joshua next as I think that would be a good one. Then Usyk should have another fight with Daniel Dubois, who seems rejuvenated recently. Otherwise, there aren't really a lot of good heavyweight contenders out there. Everyone is saying that the next big star will be 19 year-old Moses Itauma who scored a first round knockout on the same card, but he might not be ready for a title shot quite yet. We need somebody that is ready for sure as the heavyweight division is by far most compelling to a general audience.


One of the big problems with boxing has always been the judging part of it and as I mentioned a few times, 2024 saw it continue to become more and more of an issue. As always, the hardcore fans may not care a whole lot but for more casual fans, judging needs to be clearer and more transparent. There will always be subjectivity but I think there is a lot that can be done to both the audience and fighters a better sense of winning vs. losing. Here are 3 ideas that may not completely fix the problem but will certainly help.  2 of them are pretty straightforward and could actually be implemented. The 3rd is absolutely crazy and will never happen but it would definitely make the sport more interesting.

Idea 1 - Here's how boxing scoring currently works: Judges decide who won the round on a number of factors. The winner gets 10 points for the round they win and the loser gets 9 points. If there is a knockdown, it is usually scored as a 10-8 round. Points can also be deducted for certain penalties. 

The problem is that many rounds are very difficult to score. Both fighters might land an equal amount of punches and there may be no clear winner at all. But judges have to give one fighter 10 points and the other 9. They can't call it a draw round unless there are point deductions. Then let's imagine there is another round where one fighter totally dominates. They land at least twice as many punches as their opponent and seem to have them pretty hurt. That round would be scored exactly the same: 10-9. Unless there is a knockdown, it is almost impossible that judges would score it 10-8. So a toss-up round that no one really wins is worth just as many points where a fighter totally dominates. That is ridiculous to me and I can't imagine it seems fair to anyone.

The solution is to simply score any toss-up rounds as a draw. Make them 9-9. Unless someone clearly dominates the round, it gives them no advantage in scoring at all. If you have to even argue who won it, it's a draw. Should be very clear cut. This might also encourage fighters to try and dominate more and take more chances. Plus, I think it would give the viewing audience a better perspective on who is winning.

Idea 2 - This one is very simple. Allow the judges scores to be available after each round for everyone to see. Or at least, the people watching on TV. Let them know who is currently winning the fight. There are certainly drawbacks to this, where someone may realize they have the match wrapped up and are ahead on the scorecards and then just coast but I think that this is worth it for clarity's sake. And it may do the opposite. Someone may think they are ahead, realize that they aren't, and try to work harder instead of coasting. Plus people are going to do this anyway to a degree. Every other sport allows their audience to see who is winning, why should boxing be any different?

Idea 3 (the crazy one) - One thing other sports generally have over boxing is this notion of the buzzer beater. No time left on the clock and someone launches up one last shot, one last throw, one last kick, or a final at bat in the bottom of the 9th to potentially win the match in the most dramatic fashion. You never really see this boxing. Sometimes you'll get a good final round where anything can happen but usually, you see submaximal effort and a lack of urgency. This often manifests itself in a lot of grabbing/holding. Even when someone feels like they need to win the fight, they will throw a couple of bombs coming forward and then just hold on for dear life. This is never really exciting. 

So how do we fix it? We eliminate all holding in Round 12 (or whatever the final round is). If you hang onto your opponent for even a split second, you lose a point. The action doesn't need to be stopped, the referee just calls out the deduction and raises his hand. Or you could stop it like a regular point deduction. If one fighter knows they're way ahead on points and just runs away, they should also lose a point every time the referee sees them doing this for more than, say, 5 seconds. Just like the holding, deduct every time the do this. The thinking here is obviously to encourage action. Incentivize both fighters to have to go at it in the final round as the threat of massive point deduction can completely change who wins. This would naturally lead to at least a few more exciting finishes in the final round and that's a lot better than what we have now, which is almost none.

Now I just have to convince Turki Al-Sheikh or someone with similar juice to make it happen!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Be Thankful For What Your Body Can Do

I was teaching a class months ago - medium-size with a pretty diverse group of people - and was having them do something kind of fancy in terms of footwork, defense, strategy, etc. At some point I looked around and just saw everybody executing it pretty darn well! There were certainly varying levels of athleticism, speed, power and explosiveness, based on each individual, but for the most part, they were NOT moving like regular folks who were just punching a heavy bag. They were moving like boxers. They had the rhythm and the posture and even fluidity of a competitive boxer training in the ring. I am always proud of our members for working so hard and pushing themselves, but there are also moments where I take a minute to really appreciate what is happening. This was such a moment.

Maybe just as importantly at that moment, everyone in the class looked pretty cool. They looked tough. Badass. It occurred to me that probably nobody else in their lives had any idea that they were able to do these things. Friends and family probably know that you box, and maybe you've even shown them a few things but unless they actually see you in action, it's hard to get a sense of how cool you actually look doing it.

Of course, boxing is a sport. It's not that same as jogging or lifting weights or even doing plyometric exercises. There are many different variables all happening at once and when done well, it's an impressive coordinated effort almost more like a dance in some ways. I personally think people look really good boxing. I like watching it not just to see who will win but to just watch people do it. The movements unto themselves are visually appealing.

Regardless of where you are on your boxing journey, it is a cool thing that your body can do it. I've seen thousands of people try and box for the very first time and let me tell you, it is not natural. Nobody looks good from the get-go.  Takes time- baby steps- to get to the point where you are currently, wherever that is. You should be extremely proud of the work you have done so far.

We should all also be thankful for what our bodies can do. We are lucky. A lot of people work out because they want to get in shape or stay in shape because they know it is good for them. Maybe that is how you look at boxing too. I would hope that you would look at it in a different light sometimes, as a celebration of what your body can do. When you box, you are putting on a show. That might sound silly to a lot of you and you may be thinking, "Yeah right, like I can really 'put on a show!'" 

But that is the way I want you to think about it. No matter how long you have been boxing for, no matter how old you are, no matter how you think of yourself as a boxer, you are doing something interesting and dynamic and exciting with your body. Go into each combo you throw with that mindset and I guarantee you feel better and stronger. If you are confused and not sure what exactly you are supposed to do, make something up and make it as explosive and cool as you can make it. 

Again, your mind may try to trick you into thinking that you aren't all that great at boxing and probably don't look that cool doing it. Don't listen to that voice. Tell it to shut up. When the bell rings, no matter who you are, it is showtime!

Then take a moment like I did to appreciate what you can do. Be grateful that your body can do these things in any form and proud of yourself for doing it. Some people think that exercise is a painful punishment for unhealthy eating or drinking, especially around the holidays where we tend to indulge ourselves more. If that's what truly motivates you, then great but I don't look it as punishment at all. It is a celebration. And I am thankful for it!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Who Are The Scariest Kickboxers and Muay Thai Fighters?

As always, fighting anyone is scary and no matter how good you are, I feel like you should treat every opponent like they are dangerous. Never get too cocky or take anyone lightly. That all being said, some opponents are much more scary than others. Maybe it's because of the way they fight or maybe just the look in their eyes, their posture, their body language, persona, etc.

Strangely or not, these kind of intimidating, scary killers seem to be more common in boxing than in kickboxing, Muay Thai, and even MMA- at least in my opinion. Seeing interviews and actually meeting a few in person, kickboxers generally come off a little more friendly and jovial- even some of the ones who look pretty scary in person. I am not sure why this is exactly. I find it a little odd myself because in terms of physical toughness and damage taken, kickboxing is the more brutal sport. Not only are you are you having to deal with kicks and knees and elbows (in Muay Thai's case), but there is far less head movement and footwork to evade damage in kickboxing so many of these strikes are blocked or just absorbed, which is painful in both cases.

Some of the difference between the sports in this department may be cultural. Boxing is a worldwide sport but has generally been dominated by people from North America, Latin America, Great Britain, and the former Soviet states. With Kickboxing and Muay Thai, those sports are mostly dominated by fighters from Western Europe, Northern Africa and of course, Thailand. The businesses are a little different too, targeted at slightly different audiences. If I had to generalize, I would say that boxers are presented as baaaaaaad men whereas kickboxers are more like superheroes or video game characters. Probably an overgeneralization but it has something to do with it.

In any case, there certainly have been some kickboxers and Thai fighters who truly are frightening and intimidating and not anyone you want to meet in a dark alley. As Halloween approaches, here are a few of my favorites terrifiers, in no particular order:

Dieselnoi Thanasukarn

While certainly not as physically intimidating as a Mike Tyson or Sonny Liston, Dieselnoi 100% belongs on this list and any list like it for one very important reason - he holds the unique distinction of being the only champion-level fighter in any sport I can think of who had to retire early (before age 24) because literally no one would fight him! He held the world Muay Thai lightweight title and had beaten all challengers in and around his weight division, including a man largely considered to be the GOAT, Samart Payakaroon. Months and months went by and without anyone stepping up to fight Dieselnoi, he had to find other work. 

So why did everybody chicken out? In part because of Dieselnoi's size. He was 6'2 but fought at 135 pounds, which meant he towered over most of his competitors. This alone is not necessarily an advantage in combat sports but Dieselnoi made it an advantage with his famous, "sky-piercing" knees. When shorter fighters got in close enough to strike him, he would clench and throw knees up to their heads and there really wasn't a whole heck of a lot they do about it. If they tried to run, he would use kicks and long punches to herd his opponents into a corner where they were eventually clenched and kneed. It's like an alligator smothering its prey before pulling it down into the water.

Ramon Dekkers

The closest thing to a Mike Tyson of kickboxing has to be Ramon Dekkers. He held belts in both kickboxing and Muay Thai - being one of the first Westerners to become a champion in Thailand - and he accomplished this in large part to having thrown some of the most ferocious punches anyone had seen at the time. Thais were more known for kicks, knees and elbows with punches largely being used for set-ups but Ramon would not only change this but pave the way for other Dutch fighters to compete at the highest levels, creating a style that people from all countries have adapted. 

The similarities to Tyson were his use of especially powerful hooks, body shots (particularly the liver punch) and highly aggressive pressure to blitz and overwhelm his opponents, resulting often in brutal knockouts. This is how he got the nickname, "Turbine from Hell." Dekkers also showed fearlessness in being willing to fight in Thailand, which was not that common for outsiders. Besides competing on their home turf in their national martial art/sport, Thai judging is very different from western kickboxing and a foreigner getting a favorable decision was rare. Dekkers didn't care though. He just mowed through the competition like a....turbine from hell!!

Badr Hari

I mentioned earlier that many of the most prolific kickboxers are not scary people in person and in fact, quite warm and sweet. This cannot be said for the bad boy of kickboxing, Badr Hari. Or it could not be said in his younger days. With an over 90% knockout rate (!!!) in the ring and 8 felony assaults outside of the ring, Hari was/is definitely a man to be feared.

These are not necessarily good qualities in a fighter or a person but it is certainly scarier to fight someone like this. Not only do you have to worry about their rage and aggression but there is a certain unpredictability when dealing with an unbalanced, angry person. He once stomped on a guy's head after a knockdown during a K-1 tournament (this is an illegal strike) and although he was immediately disqualified, this is not something you want in the back of your mind when stepping into the ring.

Ignoring all of that, Badr Hari is/was also one of the most talented heavyweight kickboxers ever. He is 6'6, very athletic and he's as technically-sound as anyone. While he was a dominant champion for a while, he probably could have achieved more in the sport, had he been a little less scary and kept his act together!


In my favorite movie of all time, the original Halloween, when Dr. Loomis shot Michael Myers multiple times and Michael fell out a window onto the ground, only to disappear seconds later, audiences were pretty shocked. Nowadays, this trick of the unkillable killer has been done over and over in movies and is surprising to no one, but back in 1978, it was not so common. In combat sports, there have certainly been some tough fighters who don't go down even after taking some good shots but I don't think I've ever seen anyone as seemingly unaffected by punches, kicks, knees, elbows or anything as Rodtang. He is the closest thing to a Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees or any other seemingly unkillable horror movie character in the ring. 

This is true for fatigue as well. I have not seen any signs of fatigue or him having to slow down. This is a big thing. An otherwise intimidating, scary-looking dude can turn into a coward when he is tired. But Rodtang never stops.  He just keeps coming forward with relentless attacks. Some swarmer type of fighters tend to overwhelm their opponents with a high volume of strikes but just about everything Rodtang throws is vicious, with bad intentions. His nickname is "The Ironman" but he could just as easily be known as "The Boogeyman."

Wanderlei Silva & Mirko Cro Cop

Both are better known for their legendary MMA careers but have also competed (and started) in kickboxing as well, so they get an honorable mention here. The two faced off for the first time in Pride FC 2002 and when I saw them come out into the middle of the ring for the stare down that would later become famous, I remember actually being scared sitting on my couch. The intensity of both men was palpable. Even though there was no finish to the fight, I was on pins and needles the entire time because I knew at any moment, one of them could take the other's head off. Going back to horror movies again, it would be like Jason fighting against Michael Myers. 

We've seen plenty of intimidating characters in combat sports but I don't know if I've ever seen two fighters of equal scariness going at it in the same ring. Hagler-Hearns was pretty close but I could always see the softer side of Tommy Hearns. That he was really a nice guy and though he would kill me, he wouldn't want to kill me. Whereas when I looked into the eyes of both Wanderlei "The Axe Murder" Silva and Mirko "Right Kick - Hospital, Left Kick - Cemetery" Crop Cop, I could only see darkness. Of course, this is another example of people being different in the ring vs. real life because my wife and I actually got to meet Wanderlei at a fan expo and he couldn't have been a nicer guy. Still though, we should always fear a man who makes a simple wrist warm-up exercise into something terrifying.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why You Should You Give Kickboxing A(nother) Chance

We offer both boxing and kickboxing classes at our club. The vast majority are boxing class and the even vaster majority of our members prefer boxing to kickboxing. Some have tried it once or twice but didn't like it, some don't even want to try it. It is a new challenge, for sure, and if you have been boxing for a while, feeling uncomfortable and trying something new may not sound super appealing. I do believe it is worth giving a real shot though. Not just once or twice but try it for a whole month. Those first couple times may/will feel uncomfortable and uncoordinated with the new movements and spacing. It might even hurt a little too. Throwing round kicks with your shins on the heavy bag, particularly a newer, stiffer bag, is not going to feel good at first.

In both cases though, it's gets better. The movements start to come together, feel more natural, and any pain in the shins goes away. It's an amazing thing. I can kick the bag 100 times as hard as possible with my right leg and not feel anything at all (except very tired). And believe me, I am not some guy like Dalton in the movie Road House who thinks "pain don't hurt." I'm a big ol' baby but just kickboxing once or twice a week has totally conditioned my shins, as well as knees and elbows. You just have to give it a little time. And I think it will be well worth it too. Here are several reasons:

Challenges are good!

Especially if you have boxed for a while, you are going to continue to get better but the improvements start to become a little more subtle and harder to perceive. Going from feeling slow and clunky with kickboxing to getting into a groove will happen relatively quickly and be very obvious to you. And this feels good! Part of why it feels so good is that you know it wasn't easy at first but you fought through and now have a new skill to build on. Like I said too, this won't take a very long time. The improvements will come fast and you will be super proud of yourself.

Fitness Boost

By changing up your work out a little and getting your muscles to work a little different, your fitness level will undoubtedly level up. 



Because kicking involves being on one leg, your balance will improve through kickboxing. Balance is a trainable skill that becomes better the more you practice it. This works the other way too. If you don't train balance, it starts to go away too. Just like a muscle.


Boxing certainly involves coordinating your hands and feet together but kickboxing presents some new situations to develop this skill. Besides the different strikes, we can also learn do things like switch stances dynamically as well as do some skipping and spinning moves that require a lot of coordination. Just like balance, this is something you can improve through training. Plus, you can lose it by not training it.


Particularly when being attacked by a bigger, stronger opponent, many of the strikes we throw in kickboxing are very practical in real-life scenarios. Elbows and knees can be thrown in extremely close range and do a lot of damage as well as stun your opponent. Front kicks can keep someone from getting into your space too.


All of these things I have mentioned so far - overcoming challenges, better fitness, balance and coordination as well as self-defense skills - lead to increased confidence. It's a good feeling and it has a way of snowballing into other parts of your life. You just have to be able to work for it.


Again, it may not feel that way at first when you are struggling to learn but once you start to get it down, kickboxing starts to become really fun. It becomes a celebration of what your body can do and sometimes, we get a little flashy and you feel like you are a movie action hero. You might think there is no way in hell you could possibly feel that way but you would be surprised. I have seen some people you might never expect to do it fly through the air and throw down. Plus, you are mixing it up. Something new can just be fun on its own.

Also remember that just about anyone who can box can also do some kickboxing. We have members who are 75 and 76 years old who do it and have gotten pretty good. You also don't have to be in any better shape or more coordinated or athletic or anything. Kickboxing is for everybody. Of course you want to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program but even someone like me with knee and calf issues can do it. I may not be able to kick as high as someone else but with proper technique, I can do a lot more than I thought I would. If you're brand new to boxing, maybe get a little more acquainted with the punches and terminology first, but it shouldn't be long before you are ready to begin your journey as a Nak Muay!!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Self-Defense Class FAQs

We have started up a weekly self-defense class at our club and it is something that I truly believe EVERYONE should have some training in. My background is in self-defense - specifically a system called Krav Maga and I have noticed that there are a lot of terrible self-defense information out there online and in books (as well as misconceptions in the online community as to what Krav Maga actually is). After taking a deep dive researching this, I still see videos every day on Instagram that teach techniques I find much less effective, much more difficult, and often put the defender in even more danger. This is what led me to start up a self-defense class at our gym!

Below are some FAQs about the class, what we teach, and self-defense in general:

Can I start any time?

Yes! Doesn't matter if you've taken any of our previous classes or have any experience whatsoever in self-defense training. You can (and should) start any time! And the best time is NOW!!!

What equipment do I need?

Nothing! Just yourself. No wraps nor gloves are used.

Will I get hurt?

No, you will not get hurt but we will be dealing with some tough situations where someone could be choking you or trying to pick you up and take you somewhere. This might be uncomfortable but we want to make sure you learn the proper techniques to get away safely.

Do I need a partner?

No. We will definitely partner up at times to practice things but we will always have even numbers.

Is this a fitness class?

No. We will warm-up and there will definitely be some work but the goal in this particular class is not  fitness.

What do you teach exactly?

We teach you how to deal with a threatening situation in a way that gets you out of danger as quickly and as safely as possible, based on the system I mentioned earlier, called Krav Maga. Self-defense is not fighting, where the goal is to win based on either an agreed upon ruleset or common sense type of rules (like two guys squaring off in a bar fight, going at it until one of them can no longer stand up). Self-defense is about survival by any means necessary.

What is the difference between Krav Maga and other martial arts?

Every single other martial arts and fighting system have some form of sport-like competition, as mentioned earlier, with certain rules and a specific format. Maybe it did not originate that way in some cases but that is what it has become. With many of the Asian martial arts, like Karate, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do, there is also a showy, demonstration type of component as well. Not that those are bad things and are often beautiful to watch but if part of the goal is look good/cool, it may not translate well to a street survival scenario. Krav Maga is based solely on survival, with no rules. This doesn't mean that Krav Maga is better than other martial arts. It is just different but I also know that not every school teaches it properly. The system itself was originally based on self-defense only, which includes unarmed combat as well as defense against modern weapons.

Who would win a fight, someone who has trained extensively in Krav Maga or MMA/Muay Thai/Jiu-Jitsu/etc.?

I have seen this asked many times online in places like Reddit and Quora and I am only mentioning it here to further explain how the very question is flawed at its base. Someone who has trained extensively in Krav Maga should not be fighting anyone on any level. The goal is survive as safely as possible, not "win" a fight. That may not seem like a big difference in certain circumstances, but the more I learn, the more I realize how that simple distinction changes everything. If I am squared up against another fighter and we are about to go at it, I have already failed at self-defense.

As to whether or not someone would be able to survive when challenged by a fighter, that depends entirely on the individuals and the situation, not so much the system. It also depends on who the individual trains with, and where they train. I have read things about various martial art schools that are totally different than where I trained. In general, any time anyone tries to tell you that one skill is better than another is speaking from a place of ignorance.

What are the 3 Tenets of a good self-defense system, o' wise one?

#1) A self-defense system should be something anyone can learn and can work in a variety of different scenarios with opponents of different sizes, strengths, mental states, and physical conditions.

While it is impossible for any technique to work ALL the time in EVERY possible situation, we want to play the percentages. Anything that relies on something like physical strength (like picking up or physically moving your attacker) or specific conditions (your attacker is wearing a gi and you are on a padded floor in a well-lit gym) is not a high-percentage technique. You could be attacked at any time, under any condition, by any attacker and the system must account for that as much as possible.

#2) A self-defense system should be something that can be learned by anyone relatively quickly and be as simple as possible.

Besides the time it takes to learn and train and practice, a more complicated martial art as a self-defense system will be harder to remember in a real-life situation. I can't tell you how many things I have seen in online demos where someone will go through a series of steps to defend themselves when a much easier option is staring them right in the face. The more steps you have to a technique, the much less likely you are to remember them all in the heat of battle and the more chances something may go wrong.

#3) A self-defense system should purely be based on survival, putting the defender in as little danger as possible and getting them to safety as quickly as possible.

As mentioned several times now, and something I cannot stress enough - self-defense is not a fight. The goal is to get away safely. The best way to do this is to put yourself in as little danger as possible. I see many techniques where the defender will take the attacker to the ground. This is a huge, unnecessary risk. You certainly may survive okay but why limit your ability to leave the scene by going down and staying locked up with someone? Plus, what happens if there are multiple attackers? The ground also introduces additional variables and we want to eliminate as many of those as possible.

What if my attacker is bigger and/or stronger than me?

First of all, I want to say again that this is exactly the type of situation self-defense training should be geared towards. This is not a sport and there are no weight classes or rules, and most of the time, it is a bigger, stronger person who would actually attack you. It can be difficult situation for sure but you can survive it. It depends on the attacker and their goals. You may be able to overcome the disadvantage by getting away. You might be able to surprise the attacker with something unexpected that buys you time. This is why we want to make sure that none of our techniques rely much on physical strength or stature. 

Will fighting back just make them more angry and hurt me more?

This is a good question. And sometimes the answer is yes. But there are a lot of variables to consider, with the main being - what does this person want with you? Are they trying to just rob you? Then maybe just give them what they want if you really think they will go away. But what if they are trying to sexually assault you? Fighting back may indeed make them fight harder but it also might help you to escape the situation. Is that worth taking the risk? Or what if they are trying to take you somewhere? I can tell you what I have heard from many people in law enforcement as well as experts on these subject: fight for your life. If this causes your attacker to hurt you more to stop you from escaping, so be it. Getting taken to another location is almost always something you want to avoid at any cost. But this is a judgment call you have to make in the moment, based on the situation. You need to be prepared to make a decision. 

What if my attacker has a weapon?

There are many techniques to defend against any weapon. Nothing is 100% and the cost of being unsuccessful can go up dramatically with a weapon for sure, particularly with guns and knives (especially knives). Just like in the question above, you will have to make a judgment call during a very tense moment. If the attacker has a gun pointed to your stomach and tells you give them your wallet/purse/phone/whatever and you think that giving them those things will make them go away without shooting you, by all means, do it! Money or material possessions aren't work risking your life for. If that attacker wants to take you somewhere, it is certainly possible they intend to kill you anyway so you may want to consider trying to escape. You will want to know your options.

C'mon, I can't really defend myself if someone has a gun on me, can I?

If they are close enough, you certainly can. Even if they are further away, you might be able to do it but it will require getting closer first. In some ways, a gun is actually easier to deal with than a knife. More people die from knives in general and you may likely not even know they have a knife until it is too late. Guns may be used to threaten you and the disarm is easier because you can grab a gun from any angle except one and get out of the line of fire. I often hear people say something to the effect of that no human can move faster than a bullet so there is no real way to defend yourself in that situation. Besides having plenty of cases where humans have effectively disarmed people with guns, the logic is flawed. You don't have to be faster than a bullet. You just have to be faster at getting out of the line of fire than someone's brain telling them to pull the trigger and aim properly. That all being said, we all know guns can be extremely dangerous and that there are situations that you can’t anticipate, or even know are occurring. But in some cases, risks can be mitigated, and we should prepare to be able to try. 

What about me carrying a weapon? Or something like pepper spray?

If you do this, make sure you are well aware of all federal, state and county laws regarding the weapon you carry. Another thing to consider is that if you get into a self-defense situation, there is a chance this weapon can be used against you. With pepper spray in particular, it can easily get into your eyes too, depending on the situation. You also may be able to find things you can use for weapons out in public if need be. The easiest example is a restaurant or bar. You've got plates, bottles, cups, silverware, hot things, even Tabasco sauce can be a good weapon. You might think I am kidding put try putting a dab of that in your eye some day and see what happens. Only kidding, do not try this. But I am not kidding when I tell you that it is painful and temporarily disabling. The point is that you can use different things as weapons and the more aware you are of what's around you, the better chance you'll have in general if a self-defense situation arises.

What is the best self-defense technique I can use?

I already gave this one away but it truly is awareness. I know it's not as fun or interesting to anyone wanting to learn physical self-defense techniques but it 100% true. Nothing else even comes close really. Being aware of your surroundings, people, buildings, exits, entrances, other escape routes, etc. is the best thing you can ever do to keep yourself safe. Besides just using these skills to avoid or potentially get out of a dangerous situation, demonstrating some sort of awareness can also make you less of a target when it comes to predatory crime. Certain criminals look for people who are not paying attention to victimize. You don't want to be walking around paranoid all the time either but do keep your head up, your eyes open and focused on the situation you are in, the people and things that are around you, and if you have any gut feelings about something being wrong, go with your gut and take some action!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Was Boxing Better in the 2000s?

In short, no. Boxing was not better during the years of 2000 through 2009. In fact, boxing faded almost completely from cultural relevance in the 2000s. Of course, the sport's heyday was in the late 60s and 70s, but even in the 80s and 90s, we had plenty of stars, plenty of household names that even non-boxing fans here in America knew of. By the end of the millennium, that started to change. We still had people like Evander Holyfield, Oscar De La Hoya and Mike Tyson but they were past their prime and in the case of Mike Tyson, had become a sad sideshow.

Does this mean there were no quality boxers and superstar talents? Absolutely not. Some all-time greats were in their prime at some point from 2000-2009 but they didn't really move the needle in terms of bringing in casual fans. Floyd Mayweather Jr. could certainly be an exception. Almost. The problem with Floyd was that he just wasn't very exciting to watch for most people after he became a champ. He had a defensive style and had mastered the art of not taking damage during fights, which also meant that he didn't take a lot of chances either. Boxing purists, most of them at least, loved it but this is exactly the schism that would (and continues to) plague boxing in the 21st century. It became a niche sport for only hardcore boxing fans, with little interest - or at least desire - to bring in the mass audiences.

Floyd also fought anywhere from 126 pounds to about 150 pounds. Unless you are super exciting, super charismatic and have a compelling story, it is very hard to carry the sport in terms of popularity at any lower weight class. Boxing usually goes as the heavyweight division goes and I don't think it can be argued that the new century was a dark time for the big fellas. Here is a list of the heavyweight champions from 2000-2009:

1. Lennox Lewis
2. Herbie Hide
3. Vitali Klitschko
4. Chris Byrd
5. Evander Holyfield
6. Wladimir Klitschko
7. John Ruiz
8. Hasim Rahman
9. Lennox Lewis again
10. Chris Byrd again
11. Roy Jones Jr.
12. Corrie Sanders
13. John Ruiz again
14. Lamon Brewster
15. Vitali Klitschko again
16. Nikolai Valuev
17. Siarhei Liakhovich
18. Wladimir Klitschko again
19. Oleg Maskaev
20. Shannon Briggs
21. Ruslan Chagaev
22. Sultan Ibragimov
23. Samuel Peter
24. Nikolai Valuev
25. Vitali Klitschko again
26. David Haye

There are at least 3 problems with this list. First is that many of these names are not at all familiar to non-hardcore fans, nor were they at the time. Second is that very few of them are Americans, which of course matters to other Americans, but it also matters to the rest of the world a little, too. American fighters are almost always going to be more popular. The third problem is that it is a long list! Nobody was able to hold onto the belt for very long. Some were able to retain the belt, like the Klitschko brothers, but no one remained a champion for more than 2 years in that span. For boxing to achieve mainstream success, it needs dominant fighters and during the better eras, if you were to ask the average layperson who the heavyweight champion was, they could probably tell you or at least muster a reasonable guess. If you asked most casual sports fan this question in the 2000s, I don't think many of them would be able to venture a guess at all.

There was certainly some talent, no doubt. Both Vladimir and Vitali Klitschko had skills, as well as plenty of TKO finishes but not as much of highlight reel stuff that gets people excited and not against big name opponents. Plus, part of selling the sport of boxing (or just about any sport) is personality. The Klitschko brothers are good guys and are heroes in their native Ukraine, but certainly not dynamic, interesting personalities that can act as the face of their sport. Lennox Lewis, who started off the 2000s as the champ, is very much the same thing for me. Nice guy, cool cat, great boxer but doesn't get people excited and interested.

The 2000s also saw more attention and awareness come to the uglier side of boxing, which is the fight business. We certainly saw this in the 90s too, but it really came into prominence later. The average Joe may not have known who the heavyweight champion was at any point during that decade but probably knew who Don King was and had some knowledge that the boxing business was generally messed up. Promoters had control and we started to see a bit more ducking of fights, as well as just fights not happening because the two parties couldn't agree on contractual terms. HBO and Showtime still covered some big fights, although more and more began to migrate to pay-per-view, as boxing knew their hardcore fans would pay a high price and stopped fighting for the casual audience.

For over 100 years, boxing had also been THE combat sport that everybody knew. This would change in the 2000s. Mixed martial arts and the UFC started becoming bigger and bigger, and that spark turned into a fire in 2004. The UFC had launched a reality show on a small cable network, Spike, where prospective fighters trained and competed in a tournament that went on through the duration of the show, culminating in the finale, where the 2 best prospects went against each other in what would be their first,recognized professional fight. Season 1
matched Stephan Bonnar against Forrest Griffin, which is widely believed to be a fight that changed history forever. The UFC had stalled a bit in  popularity and was on the cusp (or at least close to the cusp) of just being relegated to another niche sport until the finale drew in record audiences and catapulted the league into mainstream success. It is said that much of the viewership came in during the broadcast, as people literally called their friends and told them to turn the TV on right now and check out this legendary fight.

Besides combat sports fans liking the UFC's mixed martial arts product, they also liked that in many ways, it was the opposite of boxing. It was a league, controlled by one commissioner just like the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc. and if you were the champion, you had to fight all of the best contenders in your weight class. By the end of 2009, the only boxing fight people really wanted - Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs Manny Pacquiao - had been stalled for at least 3 years (would be another 5 before it finally happened) whereas the UFC had just enjoyed their greatest success ever with UFC 100. Both sports were trending in opposite directions.

Things wouldn't exactly get better in the following decade for boxing. However, as I write this now, in 2024, I would say that there is definitely some new life in the sport. It's not culturally relevant in the way it was in the 1900s and probably never will be but there is some more overall awareness and in a different way. Social media has changed the game, for sure, and more people actually train in boxing than ever before. It used to be that only boxers learned how to box, but now it is something people do for fun and fitness. While they may not tune into the pay-per-view fights regularly, they may see highlights on Instagram and generally have a greater understanding of the sport and the fighters than most did in the 2000s. There is plenty of talent out there too. Sadly, most of it is still in the lighter weight classes but maybe average fans will start to appreciate them more as they learn the sport so it doesn't have to be carried by the heavyweights.

One more thing I want to say because I only briefly mentioned his name but after learning recently just
how underrated he is according to the internet, I feel like it is worth bringing up Manny Pacquiao again. In my opinion, he was the best fighter of the decade from 2000-2009 and as mentioned in my last post, the greatest southpaw of all time. He had only 1 loss, to Erik Morales which he avenged, in 26 fights during the 2000s against relatively high-profile opponents and finished almost all of them. He was exciting to watch and worth paying to see. There weren't many other people I could say that about during Y2K so here is to you, Pac Man.

Speaking of great fights, I feel I would be remiss in my generally-negative spin on 2000s-era if I didn't mention that one of the best boxing matches you will ever see took place in that decade. Micky Ward vs. Arturo Gatti I in 2002. The whole trilogy was good but this was a slugfest like no other. Erik Morales vs Marco Antonio Barrera I is widely considered one of the best and it is certainly a great fight. Corrales vs Castillo is up there too. I just watched Felix Trinidad vs. Fernando Vargas and probably liked it better though. And Ward-Gatti is still my #1. One great thing about living in modern times that, of course, we did not have in the good ol' days is that we can watch any of these fights, or any other classics from any era, online with the touch of a button and that is pretty sweet!

Understanding "The Why" in Boxing and Why "The Why?"

In the last 20 years, a much larger demographic of people have taken up boxing training. It used to be pretty limited to folks who wanted t...