Thursday, September 9, 2021

Protecting Yourself Against COVID (and Other Threats)

Whether you or someone you love has contracted the virus or not, COVID has affected all our lives considerably, and there will continue to be discussions and discoveries over what health precautions should be taken. I am not here to debate any of these current topics, nor is this meant to be political in any way, but I did want make a quick point about something I am NOT hearing discussed very much at all, which is our general health and wellness.

No matter how you feel about vaccines or public safety measures, I believe it is universally agreed upon that the healthier you are as a person, the less chance you have of suffering more significantly from COVID, most other viruses, diseases and/or serious medical issues.

As a gym owner, I am speaking to some degree in my own self-interest here but the only reason I am in this business is to help others become healthier. A healthy lifestyle is more than just exercise too. That's just one piece of a whole puzzle that includes diet, sleep, self-care, hydration, habits and both mental and spiritual well-being. When people speak about public safety, none of these things should be overlooked or discounted.

Now of course this does not mean that eating a perfectly nutritious diet, not smoking, not drinking and exercising 5+ days a week and generally being outside of the high-risk group means you won't get COVID or any illness. Of course not! As one of our members put it recently, COVID does not discriminate. But if we're looking at who tends to suffer the most from this virus and just about any other health threat out there, it is generally the higher risk groups, which includes obesity and other co-morbidities.

I strongly believe we should be encouraging everyone to take better care of themselves. It's not JUST about ONE thing. Once again, these are only parts of a larger puzzle. Some pieces are bigger than others, sure, but all deserve focus, all deserve attention. So many of us wait for health problems to surface before we feel compelled to make changes. It's the default approach but it's now more dangerous than ever. Don't wait! Get out in front of it and take control. Take steps to improve your physical and mental health. Because nothing is more important than that, right? 

1 comment:

  1. Exercise and good diet has so many benefits. It doesnt prevent disease but certainly helps make more resistant and recover quicker. Covid exemplifies the benefits and it's too bad there hasn't been more focus on it.


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