Friday, March 29, 2024

Stages of Boxing Development - Part 1

After owning a boxing club since 2018, I have had the opportunity to watch literally thousands of people take their first boxing classes, and I have seen plenty go on to really develop into solid technicians. It is easily the best thing about this job! And everybody learns differently. Some people are more naturally able to grasp certain concepts and movements more quickly than others. I have noticed, though, that there is somewhat of a general, natural progression of learning that most people follow- not everybody but the majority for sure.

This is Part 1 of what I consider to be those boxing stages of development. Remember though, while we may progress through each stage, we can always get better in every aspect, no matter how basic. So even if you've boxed for years, you can are still able to improve...

Part 1 - Stance, Balance, Distance Management 

This is where it all starts- the first and most important step when learning how to box. Once you are able to get comfortable in your stance and feel balanced, everything gets so much better. But the boxing stance and movement in that stance is not at all natural. So when someone comes to our club for their initial class, this is usually what they struggle with the most and it affects everything else that they do.

Sometimes even people who have been boxing for a while still struggle. These are the 4 most important components of the boxing stance to think about, as well as some accompanying videos I have made over the years touching on each thing.

Foot Position

At least 90% of new boxers either stand with their feet too far apart, too narrow, or don't have their toes in the best position to throw punches, defend punches, move, etc. Boxing is all about weight distribution. This is something we will talk a lot more about in Part 2 but before we even get there, it is critical that we stand in such a way to facilitate the shifting of weight from one foot to the other.

Here are a couple of those aforementioned videos I have made over the years about this subject:

Feet Position Relative to the Bag

General Fighting Stance Thoughts


Besides having your feet in the right spot, many people tend to stand up too tall or lean forward. Sometimes this is because their feet are too narrow (making them stand up too tall) or too wide (leaning forward). Sometimes because they are too close or too far away from the bag (more on that later). 

Ultimately, you always want to be in a stance that best allows you to throw a powerful punch, defend any punch, take a step in any direction or take a punch and remain as balanced as possible. So for instance, if you crossed your feet and tried to punch, you wouldn't be able to get much on it. Defense would be harder too. And if you got hit or even pushed a little, you would fall right over.

Once again, here are some videos for more info!

Test Stance

Hips Forward or Back


Whether you are hitting a bag or anything in any way solid, you must manage the distance between you and that thing you are hitting. Being too close limits your power and ability to defend punches. Too far away means you either can't properly reach the target or you end up leaning, which is always bad. Plus the farther away you are, the more your opponent can see what's coming.

I would say that I end up telling most people to get closer, especially at first. They might be okay throwing jabs and crosses but whenever we throw the bent-arm punches like hooks and uppercuts, they are too far away and end up leaning and off balance and have no power.

Again, check out some videos!

Distances In General

Getting Closer

Stepping and Footwork

Mastering footwork is definitely one of the more advanced stages of learning, but the first thing we want to get used to is maintaining our fighting stance when we take steps and move around our target. Once again, taking steps in boxing is not a natural thing either. It is not how we move in any other avenue of life, so it takes practice getting used to. Common things people struggle with are crossing their feet when they move, bringing their feet too close together, or only stepping forward with only one foot and getting into a stretched out position instead of both feet moving to get them back into their natural stance.

This time, I've got THREE videos!!

Basic Steps

Circling Our Target

Staying Disciplined With Your Feet

It's probably obvious, but just in case, it should be noted that I have not even discussed the mechanics of throwing a punch here in any detail. This is for a reason that I also hope is obvious: being in the right position to throw a punch, with proper posture and balance and distance, is the only way to develop those punching mechanics. Just like when you are building a house, it starts with a solid foundation. If the foundation is busted, doesn't matter how nice the house is on top of it, it is eventually going down.

And remember that if you are struggling with any of these things, that is very normal. Boxing is not easy or natural. The good news is that every time we practice, we get one step closer to perfection, so if you are brand new to the sport, spend a LOT of time practicing getting comfortable in your boxing stance. More good news - you can do this anywhere at just about any time!

Stay tuned for Part 2!

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