Friday, December 20, 2024

Be Thankful For What Your Body Can Do

I was teaching a class months ago - medium-size with a pretty diverse group of people - and was having them do something kind of fancy in terms of footwork, defense, strategy, etc. At some point I looked around and just saw everybody executing it pretty darn well! There were certainly varying levels of athleticism, speed, power and explosiveness, based on each individual, but for the most part, they were NOT moving like regular folks who were just punching a heavy bag. They were moving like boxers. They had the rhythm and the posture and even fluidity of a competitive boxer training in the ring. I am always proud of our members for working so hard and pushing themselves, but there are also moments where I take a minute to really appreciate what is happening. This was such a moment.

Maybe just as importantly at that moment, everyone in the class looked pretty cool. They looked tough. Badass. It occurred to me that probably nobody else in their lives had any idea that they were able to do these things. Friends and family probably know that you box, and maybe you've even shown them a few things but unless they actually see you in action, it's hard to get a sense of how cool you actually look doing it.

Of course, boxing is a sport. It's not that same as jogging or lifting weights or even doing plyometric exercises. There are many different variables all happening at once and when done well, it's an impressive coordinated effort almost more like a dance in some ways. I personally think people look really good boxing. I like watching it not just to see who will win but to just watch people do it. The movements unto themselves are visually appealing.

Regardless of where you are on your boxing journey, it is a cool thing that your body can do it. I've seen thousands of people try and box for the very first time and let me tell you, it is not natural. Nobody looks good from the get-go.  Takes time- baby steps- to get to the point where you are currently, wherever that is. You should be extremely proud of the work you have done so far.

We should all also be thankful for what our bodies can do. We are lucky. A lot of people work out because they want to get in shape or stay in shape because they know it is good for them. Maybe that is how you look at boxing too. I would hope that you would look at it in a different light sometimes, as a celebration of what your body can do. When you box, you are putting on a show. That might sound silly to a lot of you and you may be thinking, "Yeah right, like I can really 'put on a show!'" 

But that is the way I want you to think about it. No matter how long you have been boxing for, no matter how old you are, no matter how you think of yourself as a boxer, you are doing something interesting and dynamic and exciting with your body. Go into each combo you throw with that mindset and I guarantee you feel better and stronger. If you are confused and not sure what exactly you are supposed to do, make something up and make it as explosive and cool as you can make it. 

Again, your mind may try to trick you into thinking that you aren't all that great at boxing and probably don't look that cool doing it. Don't listen to that voice. Tell it to shut up. When the bell rings, no matter who you are, it is showtime!

Then take a moment like I did to appreciate what you can do. Be grateful that your body can do these things in any form and proud of yourself for doing it. Some people think that exercise is a painful punishment for unhealthy eating or drinking, especially around the holidays where we tend to indulge ourselves more. If that's what truly motivates you, then great but I don't look it as punishment at all. It is a celebration. And I am thankful for it!

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